Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Look what I stumbled upon

For all my art lovers and random web surfers...

I bring you Mr.Picassohead...It's not a brand new website, it has been around for a while but if you didn't know about it and you have time to kill I would go check it out.

I've been in a blue(I'm blue because I'm impatient and I can't wait to start my adventure)/anxious/excited mood lately...2 more weeks till I leave home to drive to a new state and a brand new home. We've been thinking of buying an RV...How cool would that be? It's way cheaper than paying rent every month hahaha. It's just an idea thought.

Anyways I drew 3 pictures and they reflect my mood. Can you tell?


The last one was made for my boyfriend. It's suppose to mean that if he keeps pursuing his dreams he will eventually reach the stars...Or in this case reach the golden bird. I thought a bird was perfect because it's synonymous for freedom and liberty.


Who doesn't wants to be at peace knowing they have reached their goals? I know I hope to one day.


Unknown said...

hi Mariposa

i didn't know that you had this gift !
wouah : great !

my english is not fluent enough to describe your moods but the more important i can see it : your talent

have a very nice day


street style romancer in Paris

Unknown said...

of course you can use any photo of my blog for yours

download as well the slide in order to have new photos every week.


Unknown said...

dear Mary

you can both download photos or put our photos slide on your blog

to copy a photo : put your "mouse" on the photo and then clic right and then choose "download the photo"

for the slide, clic "get widget", a code will appear , you copy the code in the administration of your blog

aask a friend of you to help you if you can't do it
it's easy, i promise you

i have thousand photos in my computer and i don't want you to miss them

ps : i added 80 photos this morning : have a look

street style romancer in Paris